Fall weather means bright blue skies and aspen turning to burnished gold. If you have time to travel, take a trip to see nature’s autumn fireworks.
Cowboy Trouble at the Bunkhouse Bar
Since my next book was delayed by health issues, I’m going through previous stories and pulling out scenes I think you’ll enjoy and providing background on the places and events that inspired them.
Wild Things in Winter
“Help!” says the little twig. “I thought it was supposed to be spring!”
Winter Returns
The first of several posts on Winter Storm Valerie.
Candy-Coated Spring
Emerging from a deep snow always feels a little like waking from a dream–one where the world is candy-coated, time stands still, and all that matters is playing fetch, taking pictures, and memorizing the beauty of an unexpected storm.
Release Day!
Today is the day! Shane and Lindsey are free at last, released into the bookstores, the e-readers, and the minds of readers to live out their story like they’re supposed to: in your imaginations, not mine!
Owl’s Well
The thought of my dad coming back as a stately, dignified owl warmed my heart in an unexpected way.
Prairie Ghosts
Alone on the prairie with only a ghost town for company, the Ames Monument has become a symbol of change and broken dreams.
Books Forever
One way or another, books will always be a part of our lives.
More Cowboy!
I handled meeting Wesley Silcox with all the composure of a teeny-bopper meeting Justin Beiber.
When It Rains…
When God throws ice cube at you, it hurts!
The Cowboy Pickup
The cowboy pickup is a national treasure.
Change of Home, Change of Heart
Are you a native or a transplant? If you’ve adopted a new home, how has it changed you?
Buffalo Bound
As it turned out, plunging into the storm wasn’t a disaster after all. Once we passed Casper, the wind died down and we could appreciate the winter landscape. The seven-hour drive to Billings is a trip we make often, so it was nice to have some scenic variety. We stuck to the highway until I […]
Wyoming Winter
Wyoming winters are both better and worse than you’d expect. Whenever I tell someone I live here, they say “Oooooh, the winters” – as if they know I’m suffering terribly from October to March.And they’re right—but not because of the cold, or the snow. Generally, our below-zero, snow-infused days are followed by sunshiney 60-degree days that melt […]