Stillwater Diary, May 21, 2019 This photo freaked me out! If you look carefully, you can see what appears to be a giant goldfinch trudging up from the creek. Apparently, I caught this bird flying toward the feeders at the moment his wings closed. At first, I thought I’d serendipitously snapped a fox or some […]
Here Come the Pygmies!
They’re perky little guys with bright eyes and cheerful dispositions that bop around the deck going “beep! beep!” all day long.
Wild Things in Winter
“Help!” says the little twig. “I thought it was supposed to be spring!”
Hidden Treasure
What Western bird nests on the ground, lays a small clutch of pale blue eggs with rust-colored spots, and looks like a calm Quaker maiden in an unadorned gray dress?
Great Blue Blues
How did this happen? I should be the boss of me, not some crazy bird!
Owl’s Well
The thought of my dad coming back as a stately, dignified owl warmed my heart in an unexpected way.