Today is the day! Shane and Lindsey are free at last, released into the bookstores, the e-readers, and the minds of readers to live out their story like they’re supposed to: in your imaginations, not mine!
Commuting, Wyoming Style
Every once in a while, even recluses like me have to adjust the angle of the sun on our metaphorical feathers so we can fly another day.
Cowboy Name Game
We have a winner!
His Cowboy Hat Still Fits
Bull rider Abe Morris has a unique story to tell.
Word Wrangling
I’m a guest at Word Wranglers this morning.
More Cowboy!
I handled meeting Wesley Silcox with all the composure of a teeny-bopper meeting Justin Beiber.
Big Daddy
Cheyenne Frontier Days really is the Daddy of ’em All.
Rodeo Shopaholic
When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping!
Cowboy Up and Write!
The core values of cowboys, applied to writing. Giddyup!
The Cowboy Pickup
The cowboy pickup is a national treasure.
Cowboys vs Tycoons
Cowboys vs. Tycoons: who wins?