
Show Me the Belly

You know when you find a frightened dog—maybe at a shelter, or maybe on the street—and you spend a long, slow time getting it to trust you? You have to crouch down and speak softly, holding out scraps of food while you pray in your head that it will give you its heart. You don’t […]

Plot Devices

For some reason, I can’t keep track of my plot without something physical to look at. Normally, it’s sticky notes, but since I moved out of our town house, where my attic office had a slanty ceiling, that doesn’t work too well. The walls here are textured. I tried index cards, but that seemed kind […]


I don’t know about other writers, but for me the most stressful time in my writing life is the time between the submission of a manuscript and the response from my editor. I know she’s reading it, and I’m dying to know what she thinks, but I can’t do anything but wait to hear from […]