This is our new kitty! Pretty, isn’t he? Too bad he doesn’t have a name…
For Readers
A little bit more about my books from reviews to sneak peaks.
Colorado Coming Home
The mountain views on the way to town are stunning, but what I really love is coming home.
Great Blue Blues
How did this happen? I should be the boss of me, not some crazy bird!
Home at Last
We’ve been away from Stillwater nearly a month–much too long for me, and for Chloe, too. But we’re finally back, and happy to be home.
Stillwater Snowfall
A photographic post on a busy writing day, featuring snow, a big dog, snow, a little dog, and snow.
Best of the Month!
How to Wrangle a Cowboy was chosen as an Amazon Best Book of the Month in the Romance category!
Release Day!
Today is the day! Shane and Lindsey are free at last, released into the bookstores, the e-readers, and the minds of readers to live out their story like they’re supposed to: in your imaginations, not mine!
Good Wranglin’!
“How to Wrangle a Cowboy” is a Romantic Times TOP PICK!
Owl’s Well
The thought of my dad coming back as a stately, dignified owl warmed my heart in an unexpected way.
Thinking Pink
I’m a woman, a writer, a reader, and a friend. I’m a dog-crazy, wilderness-walking nature nut. I’m many things, and being a “breast cancer survivor” is pretty far down on the list.
Commuting, Wyoming Style
Every once in a while, even recluses like me have to adjust the angle of the sun on our metaphorical feathers so we can fly another day.
Aspen Retrospective
The fall foliage is fading, but I saved some for you!
Foggy, Foggy Day, 10/4/15
I tramped uphill, intent on photographing fall color, knowing it would glow against the dark, damp earth. But I was hijacked, as always, by the little things–the tiny plants that are recolonizing our damaged forest.
Wake up & Work! 9/31/15
I have the best alarm clock in the world, and great coworkers, too!
September 29, 2015
It’s actually COLD at Stillwater this morning! It’s just over 50 degrees and overcast, so there’s no sun shining into the sunroom to heat warm my bones. I know, I’m a big sissy. 50 degrees is nothing! But it’s a reminder that winter is coming, and with it the snow, the wind, and the […]