Thanks to everyone who made the Cowboy Trouble launch party such a success!
For Readers
A little bit more about my books from reviews to sneak peaks.
Today is the Day!
Today is the release day for Cowboy Trouble. It’s finally on the shelves!
You’re invited…
I’m guest blogging over at Book Junkie today – come join us!
マスマーケット !
Cowboy Trouble in Japanese, from Amazon Japan: マスマーケット Look at that second-to-last character! It’s a cute little cock-eyed smiley face! I think I need a tattoo – don’tcha think?
It’s here!
Today, I had the surreal experience of receiving, unpacking and shelving my own book at the Cheyenne B&N. It was in the last box I unpacked. Being a dedicated employee, I was so focused on the job at hand that I didn’t notice the Sourcebooks logo on the box. When I opened it–wow. I can’t even begin to describe […]
Any Day Now…
According to my publicist, Cowboy Trouble is shipping to bookstores as we speak! The official release date is March 2nd, but it looks like it will be hitting bookstores a couple weeks early. With any luck, I’ll be working at B&N when it arrives and I’ll have the heady and surreal experience of unpacking and […]
Up in the Air
We went to see “Up in the Air” tonight. George Clooney is still hot. But the story? Not so much. (***SPOILER ALERT***) There’s a scene where George Clooney’s character is called on to counsel his sister’s groom-to-be, who’s suffering from cold feet at his wedding. Clooney’s character is hardly the person you’d pick for the job; […]
Buffalo Bound
As it turned out, plunging into the storm wasn’t a disaster after all. Once we passed Casper, the wind died down and we could appreciate the winter landscape. The seven-hour drive to Billings is a trip we make often, so it was nice to have some scenic variety. We stuck to the highway until I […]
Wyoming Winter
Wyoming winters are both better and worse than you’d expect. Whenever I tell someone I live here, they say “Oooooh, the winters” – as if they know I’m suffering terribly from October to March.And they’re right—but not because of the cold, or the snow. Generally, our below-zero, snow-infused days are followed by sunshiney 60-degree days that melt […]
Coming Soon!
Since “Cowboy Trouble” will be out in less than 90 days (!), my genius graphic designer is working on the new website. I had to share the new placeholder image. For more brilliance from my web designer, check out his site at . The photos will knock you out! And prints make great holiday […]
The End of the World
The End of the World as John Cusack Knows It Scrape and I went to see 2012 tonight. I’d seen the reviews, so I knew the dialogue would be stilted, the scenarios absurd, and the acting less than Oscar quality–but I also knew the special effects would be tons of fun. No disappointment there. Tsunamis! Massive earthquakes! […]
Gone With the Dogs
It’s a challenge to tackle the keyboard after working all day–but sitting down and making the effort is half the battle. Unfortunately, that’s the only part of the battle I won tonight. I had a brilliant idea for my book while I was working. I couldn’t wait to get tapping away at the keyboard, so I […]
The $350 Coke
Sorry…it’s been a while. Dumping an entire glass of Diet Coke over your laptop is NOT a good idea. My computer is finally back from the good folks at B&B Computers with a whole new hard drive. I’m baaaack. Finally.
I like this ship! It’s exciting!
The new Star Trek movie taught me a lot about what makes a story work.
How do animals like this survive in the wild? It’s not like he can buy a Corvette.