

Summarizing “Inception” in a blog post is like trying to distill Finnegan’s Wake into a short story.

Gone With the Dogs

It’s a challenge to tackle the keyboard after working all day–but sitting down and making the effort is half the battle. Unfortunately, that’s the only part of the battle I won tonight. I had a brilliant idea for my book while I was working. I couldn’t wait to get tapping away at the keyboard, so I […]


Everything happening tonight seems to be part of a nefarious conspiracy on the part of the entire universe to make me realize that I am lucky. I’m en route to the Romance Writers of America Conference in Washington. I’m spending the night at the Springhill Suites on Tower Road so I can catch my early […]

Inspire Yourself

My reading habits have changed dramatically since I started writing. I have a tendency to absorb the rhythm and tone of whatever I’m reading, and unconsciously mimic it in my writing–and since I write almost every day, I have to be careful what I read. Scrape and I recently visited Key West, and I downloaded some […]