A Contest and a Celebration

Thanks to all of you who hunted down “Cowboy Trouble” at Walmart (although I highly recommend you move on to your local rodeo if you’re looking for more!)

I’m guest blogging a celebration of Red Boot Women at “Fresh Fiction” on April 3rd. Red Boot Women are women who move West to find new lives, like Libby does in Cowboy Trouble. It’s a theme you’ll find in just about all my books. I know so many amazing women who have found their true selves in the wild, wide-open, welcoming West.

Here’s the link to the post. I’d love it if you’d stop by and comment! They’re also having a contest for a free signed copy of Cowboy Trouble – the book kind, not the rodeo kind!

(I wish I could send each of you an actual cowboy, but that would be cowboy trafficking, which is frowned upon. We’ll have to stick with the fictional kind!)