The Noble Dog and his excitable little friends say hello! They are shocked – shocked, I tell you – that I have neglected this website for so long.

I have excuses, of course. For one thing, it got terribly outdated (my fault) and my first-choice designer was booked on other projects. So I waited patiently (sort of), and now it’s a whole new site! If anything’s not up-to-date, it’s because I’m a slacker. He did his job and did it well! We had run out of room for my books on the front page, so he made a fancy moving slideshow that’s very user friendly. Click on the books to find a summary and ordering information.

So now you’ll be seeing more posts about my books, and also about my life on the wild edge of Wyoming, and occasionally in the Sonoran desert. The dogs always come along, and they’ll be inserting their opinions along the way.

What’s that? There are cats, too? Oh, yes there are. The feisty threesome of alpha boy Earl, fashionista Truman and sweet little Harper will be appearing as well.

I hope you enjoy sharing our adventures, and tell me about your own. You can do that in the comments, or by dropping by my Facebook page at Joanne Kennedy Books.

Meanwhile, I’ll be working hard on the next book, Trouble in Cowboy Boots. I don’t have a release date yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as I do. Meanwhile,, this guy can keep you company from the cover of the new re-release of Cowboy Crazy, one of my favorite of my older books. And this cover is definitely a new favorite!