Funniest dream ever…
I dreamed I was at a writing conference, pitching a book about a search for Bigfoot. The main character was a woman scientist involved in the hunt. In the dream, I told an editor about it, and she got really excited, saying the love scenes would be fabulous. I asked her which love scenes she meant, and she said, “well, you know – when she realizes that Bigfoot is what she’s been looking for in more ways than one…”
I said no, the romantic lead wasn’t Bigfoot, and she said, “Oh, no, it has to be. After all, what could be more masculine than those big, brawny arms?”
I said that I didn’t think that would work because Bigfoot’s basically a giant monkey, and she told me, “I think you’re missing a great opportunity here to really transform the genre.”
Then she said, “This is great. I really enjoy books that don’t involve the supernatural.” I couldn’t respond for a minute, then finally said, “Um, you know Bigfoot isn’t real, right?”
She said, “What!?!?!”
At the point where the dream ended, I was back in my room struggling to write a scene where Bigfoot rescues the heroine from her evil scientist/partner, and they…ewwwww.