For Writers

A behind the scenes look at writing romance and getting published.

Romance Is Good for You

People are people, and let’s face it: a lot more of us are looking for love than are looking for the meaning of life.

Mr. Toad meets Reality

You can’t trust the facts you learn in fiction. But stories uncover emotional truths far better than any history book.

The Happy Finish

I’ve always loved John Irving’s books–especially  The World According to Garp and A Prayer for Owen Meany. His stories feel wonderfully complete, progressing inexorably and almost divinely from the opening sentence to the final thought. Now I know why. According to Off the Page: Writers Talk about Beginnings, Endings, and Everything in Between by Carol […]

Heroines Unleashed

Well, I went in. Deep, deep inside the bowels of my latest novel. And I wasn’t sure I’d ever get out. The problem lay in the heart of the book: my protagonist. She seemed a little flat, like a singularly untalented actress I’d sent onstage to play out the machinations of the plot. I’d directed […]