November is always a busy month. There’s Thanksgiving and Christmas preparations to get done, and the bookstore is always busy. Now I’ve gone and tossed another task into the mix: I have revisions due on my second book on November 30th, and corrections to Cowboy Trouble are due by November 25th.
That’s what I get for always saying yes!
But it’s worth it. I made several resolutions when I sold my first book, and being easy to work with was one of them. Here are a few more:
*Embrace your inner hack. Don’t get caught up in being an artiste; just have fun and write what you love.
*Always try to do more for others than they do for you.
*Don’t get too full of yourself once you’re published. You got lucky! There are lots of equally talented writers still mired in the struggle.
*Listen to constructive criticism. Remember editors and agents are professionals with more experience than you. They know what works and what doesn’t.
*Conversely, don’t rush to implement every change someone suggests. Follow your instincts and do what’s right for your story and your characters.
*Choose your battles. Sometimes you have to compromise.
*Don’t just make your deadlines; stay ahead of them. Life is much less stressful that way.
*Don’t promise more than you can realistically accomplish.
*Don’t wait for inspiration to strike. Write every day–even if you don’t feel like it.
*Enjoy the process. Getting published and selling books is great, but writing is what matters.